The month of storms and frost.
The month of early blush of palest green on limbs, stems,
Blossoms breaking through snow.
The month of cabin fever.
The month officially declared the month of Romance.
(As if all other months are devoid of it.)
So let us celebrate a bit!
Where possible and with whom possible let us hug, kiss, consume chocolate and champagne, be a little kinder to strangers a little more patient with ourselves. Let us sing songs of love and write poems .
Let us remember those days back in elementary school when cheesy little cartoon cards were handed around…when candy hearts, tasting of chalk and chemicals were consumed by the fistful.
Let us remember with a quiet smile one fierce, fiery passionate person from our past.
Let us celebrate VALENTINE’S DAY!!!!!
Here’s my poem…
I love you
Is a mantra
It’s meaning shifting
With the menu
Of the day
It can mean
You’re mad at me, aren’t you?
Tell me I’m beautiful
Honey, I wrecked the car
Shut the hell up
Good morning, the sky is glorious
I’ll kill you if you leave me
You are my prisoner
You show me what I am
That I am
All I am
All that is pure and perfect
And unutterable joy
I love you
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