Well, somehow 2018 came galloping without my being aware, and here ‘tis, almost St. Paddy’s Day, almost Spring, and almost Easter. I have sprung forward reluctantly into Daylight Savings Time. I know my mind and body will eventually adjust. But what do I tell the DOGS, who are determined that I should be up and cheerful before the sun OR caffeine???!
One should never be grateful that time has gone by, but BOY, am I glad the last part of 2017 is OVER!
What an insane ride, and I am not even talking about the Political Circus that seems to keep evolving into something new and very strange!
I am trying extremely hard to keep anger and frustration, that great legal team, at a minimum, and watch what is transpiring all over the globe, not just here, with an interested and semi-clinical eye, knowing that all things must pass (myself included).
I had an enlightening and delightful experience when I recently performed a Valentine’s Day concert with my sister in music Michele Brourman, in Fairfield Texas.
(This is us rehearsing in the glorious home of our most generous hosts, Marc and Jan. Friends for life!)

I hadn’t been back to Texas in some years and did not know what to expect. And was charmed and delighted by everyone I met (most of whom, I KNOW, are armed and diametrically opposed to most of my political views.) We never talked politics. We talked art and music and how to help the children of the community to be introduced to the joys of theater and choir and art. These charming and intelligent folks care as much about the planet and its inhabitants as I do. Their perspective is just different. And I realize how insulated I become here in my beloved artsy California community in the Ojai Valley. I need to get out more!!!!
Speaking of the Ojai Valley…as Steven Sondheim wrote so pithily, “we’re still here”. Took 8000 brave firemen and a hundred trucks, but our home and our town survived the worst wildfire in CA history.

I had never had to evacuate before! (ALWAYS leave your car half full of gas and have a bin close at hand to load up your important documents. And don’t forget several days’ worth of underwear. That I forgot.) Luckily, I have beloved cousins in the Santa Ynez Valley who were happy to house 3 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 actors for several days. (Leave it to family! Who else wants actors for days???)
Christmas, between the fire, the ashes, the mudslides, the broken arm,

the duo flus (top and bottom…TMI?), sort of disappeared. But the New Year has brought joy, music, new projects and even some gentle rain. I am watching it right now out my window as I type. Loving the color green, which I was sure I would never see again.
As I ponder my 70th year (how in the world did THAT happen??????), I am inspired by those around me who keep on doing, creating, performing, inventing with such astounding vigor… Happy 90th, Marilyn Maye! …happy opening night, my beloved husband George Ball, as you open in KING LEAR this week…as the King…nice way to START your Shakespearean career at 83!

… I am determined to spend much more time with the older and wiser AND the younger and more enthused, and turn off the screens, large and small, that so easily steal my soul and attention. I only hope I can contribute something beautiful or useful or healing this year.
And I wish you the same!
Love, A
Here’s a poem for you:
When you’re young,
Everything is Technicolor.
Red is always crimson,
Blue is more than blue.
Your heart is always pounding, beating,
Breaking, tortured, shattered.
Until the next installment,
And then it’s good as new.
Love and lust are permanent,
Wishes made for granting.
Life is one long symphony
You know will never end.
Drink the wine at once.
Why wait for the decanting?
Your skin tone is forever,
And tomorrow is your friend.
Then life becomes an opal
Whose colors keep on changing.
Red and blue are mixing
Like blood that leaves the vein.
I trade the heat of noon light
For a moonlight shade of romance.
When I listen to my heart,
Sometimes I hear the sound of rain.
Now I don’t pop the cork
Till the name is on the contract.
And I don’t buy the car
Till the check is in my hand.
If I miss the bliss of frenzy
And youthful indiscretion,
I can still be made a fool by love.
But now I understand.
And life is good.
And all is well.
It’s only just
A little more